How can data profiling by financial institutions affect access to services?

By Aman Priyanshu

Data profiling by financial institutions can significantly impact access to services. When financial institutions engage in data profiling, they analyze an individual’s financial behavior, transaction history, credit score, and other relevant data to assess their risk profile and make decisions about the products and services they can access. While this practice can help institutions manage risk and prevent fraud, it can also lead to discriminatory practices and exclusion of certain individuals from accessing essential financial services. For example, individuals with lower credit scores or irregular financial behavior may be denied access to loans, credit cards, or even basic banking services, limiting their ability to participate fully in the economy and manage their finances effectively. Moreover, data profiling can also result in differential pricing and terms for financial products, further exacerbating inequalities in access to services.

To illustrate, imagine a library that uses a profiling system to determine which books a person can borrow. If the library only allows individuals with a certain reading history or specific interests to access popular books or educational resources, those who do not fit the predetermined profile may be left with limited options. This can hinder their ability to explore new topics, gain knowledge, and fully participate in the library’s offerings. Similarly, data profiling by financial institutions can restrict individuals from accessing essential financial services based on predetermined criteria, limiting their financial opportunities and overall participation in the financial system.

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Author: My name is Aman Priyanshu, you can check out my website for more details or check out my other socials: LinkedIn and Twitter
