App Tracking and Privacy

Describing App Tracking to Users

By Surya Ganesh

In-app trackers are sneaky little digital spies living inside your favorite apps. These trackers follow your every tap, swipe, and purchase, building a detailed dossier of your online life. Ever wonder why the shopping app that only sells artisanal mustache wax is suddenly suggesting mermaid costumes? It’s because you once Googled “how to swim gracefully after a wax disaster.”

Here’s how to outsmart these nosy algorithms and reclaim your digital self:

Utilize Privacy tools:

Think of it as building a fortress of solitude around your digital life. By understanding in-app tracking, you can take back your control.

Permissions Hygiene:

Mobile Operating Systems have permissions list for different apps that help in managing all the permissions
Follow these instructions for android and iOS to go to the permission tab and check them every 30 days for permissions.

other tools to know your privacy

By taking these steps, you can better protect your privacy and control the digital footprints you leave behind.


My name is Suriya Ganesh; you can reach out to me through my LinkedIn
